Hilton Head 2024

Awards » Awards Overview

TRF Named Awards - Awards for Established Researchers

Denice Denton Mentorship Award
The Hilton Head Workshop is pleased to announce the Denice Denton Mentorship Award. This award recognizes long-term mentors with a proven record of mentoring researchers and engineers in areas of interest to the TRF.

The award is given in honor of Denice Denton (1959 - 2006), who earned her BS, MS and Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and then went on to a groundbreaking career in academia.

Winners will receive formal recognition at the Hilton Head 2024 Workshop, a commemorative plaque and free registration to all future Hilton Head Workshops. The Nomination Form (pdf) is due 15 April 2024 via email to awards@hh2024.org.

Mark Shannon Grand Challenges Award
The Hilton Head Workshop is pleased to announce the Mark Shannon Grand Challenges Award. This award recognizes the long-term contributions of members of our technical community who have committed to a vision that addresses humanity's pressing issues.

The award is given in honor of Mark A. Shannon (1955 - 2012), who earned his BS, MS and Ph.D. degrees at the University of California, Berkeley, and was on the Mechanical and Systems Engineering faculty of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Winners will receive formal recognition at the Hilton Head 2024 Workshop, a commemorative plaque and free registration to all future Hilton Head Workshops. The Nomination Form (pdf) is due 15 April 2024 via email to awards@hh2024.org.

Wen Ko Technical Leadership Award
The Hilton Head Workshop is pleased to announce the Wen Ko Technical Leadership Award. This award recognizes researchers with an outstanding track record of technical leadership and innovation in areas of interest to the TRF.

The award is given in honor of Wen Hsiung Ko (1923-2017), a member of the Electrical Engineering faculty of Case Western Reserve University from 1959 to his retirement in 1993.

Winners will receive formal recognition at the Hilton Head 2024 Workshop, a commemorative plaque, and free registration to all future Hilton Head Workshops. The Nomination Form (pdf) is due 15 April 2024 via email to awards@hh2024.org.

Student Awards

Janusz Bryzek Abundance through MEMS Award
The Hilton Head Workshop is pleased to announce the Janusz Bryzek Abundance through MEMS Award. This award seeks to recognize graduate or undergraduate students whose work best exemplifies the application of MEMS to Abundance. Winners will receive formal recognition at the Hilton Head 2024 Workshop, a commemorative plaque, and a $1,000 scholarship award.

The award is given in honor of Janusz Bryzek, a world-renowned pioneer in the field of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), who founded and commercialized his MEMS passion vis-à-vis 11 companies over his 40 plus year career.

The Nomination Form is due 15 May 2024.

Outstanding Paper and Poster Awards

These awards recognize the top submissions to the conference in terms of general quality, originality, and timeliness. The Awards Committee carries out the assessment based on the submitted full papers and, in the case of the Outstanding Poster Awards, on-site evaluations by the committee members.

Student Travel Awards
Limited support is available for student presenters to attend the workshop.