Hilton Head 2024

Awards » Outstanding Paper And Poster

Microsystems & Nanoengineering/Springer Nature Outstanding Paper Award

The Hilton Head Workshop is pleased to announce the Outstanding Paper Award sponsored by The Microsystems & Nanoengineering/Springer Nature. The award recognizes the highest-ranked submissions to the conference in terms of general quality, originality, and timeliness.

Selection Process
Each TPC track recommends three papers to the Awards Committee based on submitted abstracts. The Awards Committee will select three outstanding papers based on the submitted full papers.

  • 3 outstanding paper awards
    • Formal recognition during the meeting
    • An electronic certificate
    • $650 to the presenting author of each paper

Micromachines - MDPI Outstanding Poster Award

The Hilton Head Workshop is pleased to announce the Outstanding Poster Award sponsored by micromachines - MDPI. The award recognizes the outstanding posters that were presented during the conference in terms of quality of work, presentation, and timeliness.

Selection Process
The Awards Committee will form evaluation teams that visit posters during the conference and assign grades to each poster based on the criteria in the above. Three outstanding posters will be selected after ranking all posters.

  • 3 outstanding poster awards
    • Formal recognition during the meeting
    • An electronic certificate
    • $650 to the presenting author of each paper