Hilton Head 2024

Events » Student Events

Student Slack Channel
Join our Hilton Head 2024 student group to connect with fellow students registered for HH2024 and stay updated on the latest events, particularly during the workshop!
  • First, join the HH2024 Slack page: hiltonheadworkshop.slack.com
  • Then, join the #hh_students channel, where you will find a welcome message from Omar Cepeda Torres, HH2024 student committee chair
During lunch each day, there will be reserved tables in the outdoor pavilion for students to network and socialize.

Sandcastle Building
Join us Tuesday at 14:00 on the beach and compete in Sandcastle Building. You will form teams of students from different universities and compete for prizes and glory!

Scavenger Hunt
Join us on the student Slack channel for a workshop scavenger hunt!